Rockaway Relief & Exempt Association
Relief Association
The objects of this Association are: The furtherance of the best interests of the Firemen's Relief Associations of this State which are or may become members of this Association so that the funds of the said relief Associations may be protected and the best results for the benefit of aged and needy active and/or otherwise qualified fire persons and their families, and those injured, incapacitated or killed in the performance of their duty, may be achieved; the protection against the encroachment upon the source of said funds, the advancement of the status and best interest of all fire persons, the development and advancement of the best methods of fire protection and the cultivation of fraternal fellowship among the various departments and fire persons throughout the State and elsewhere.
President William G. Hopler
Vice President John Clark
Secretary Joseph Giordano
Treasurer Mark R. Taylor
Asst. Treasurer Chris Patamia
For information on relief, for paperwork to file for relief or general enquiries please contact:
Burial Benefits
For the most up to date information on Burial Benefits, please visit the New Jersey State Relief Association.
Example Relief Paperwork
For the most up to date Example Form, please visit the New Jersey State Relief Association. To File for relief, please contact the Rockaway Borough Relief Association at:
Exempt Association
The Rockaway Borough Exempt Association is part of the New Jersey State Exempt Firemen's Association. The NJSEFA is an organization that was formed for the charitable purpose of organizing and coordinating all of the local exempt fire associations in the state of New Jersey, thus lessening the burden of government in this process.. The NJSEFA also provides a venue for mentoring and support within the ranks of the fire service from those members who have earned their exemption and from their experience can lead and assist the new members of the fire service as they take up the protective fire service in both career and volunteer fire departments. The founders of this organization were people who had the foresight and the understanding that as time moved on, the fire service in New Jersey would change and that our "Great Association" would be there to assist the fire service in meeting those new challenges.
President William G. Hopler
Vice President Sam Passarella
Secretary Scott Hurley
Treasurer Chris Patamia
Financial Harry Nizmak